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Home Investors Corporate Governance Code Of Conduct
This code of conduct (hereinafter referred to as the Code) shall be called The code of Conduct for the Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the Board) and Senior Management Personnel of Southern Online Bio Technologies Limited (hereinafter referred to as the "Company").

The purpose of this code is to conduct the business of the Company in accordance with the applicable laws, regulations, rules and with the highest standard of ethics and values.
This code applies to the following
a.  Board of Directors
b.  (i) Chief Executive officers
     (ii) Chief Operating Officers
     (iii) Company Secretary
     (iv) Head of Finance function
   (v) All department heads of different functions of the Company (hereafter called as Officers)
The Board and Senior Management Personnel are required to act in accordance with highest standards of personal and professional integrity, honesty, ethical and legal conduct when acting on behalf of the company or in connection with the company's business or operations and at social events.
The Directors and Senior Management personnel are expected to avoid and disclose any activity or association that create and appears to create conflict between the personal interests and the companys business interest. A conflict of interest exists where the interests or benefits of one person or entity conflicts with the interest or benefits of the Company.
Directors and Senior Management personnel are prohibited from engaging in any activity or receive any payment from any competitors, customers, distributors or suppliers of the Company without approval of the Board.
Acceptance of Directorships on the Board of other Companies which compete with the Company amounts to conflict of interest. Further each Director shall inform the Board of any changes in their Board functions, relationships with other business.
Directors and Senior Management before conducting Companies business with relatives and or with a business in which a relative is associated must disclose their interest before Board.
The Directors and Senior Management shall not accept any offer, promise to pay or authorization to pay any money, gift or anything of value from customers, vendors, consultants etc., of the Company, that is perceived and or intended directly or indirectly, to influence any business decision of the company.
Director and Senior Management personnel may not allow their investments to influence or appear to influence their independent judgment on behalf of the Company.
Directors and Senior Management shall not exploit for their own personal gain, opportunities that are disclosed through the use of Company property, information or position unless the opportunity is first disclosed in writing to the Board.
It would be impracticable to attempt to list all possible conflict or interest situations and it is possible that other such situations which are not enumerated above, may arise. All such situations which arise any questions or doubts may please be brought to the notice of the Board for appropriate decision.
Ever Member of the Board and Senior Management personnel shall comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.
The Company's Policy is to provide full, fair, accurate timely and understandable disclosures in reports and documents it files with or submits to regulatory authorities.
The Board shall have the powers to take necessary actions in case of any violation of the Code.
The provisions of this code can be amended and modified by the Board of Directors of the Company from time to time and all such amendments shall effect from the date stated therein.


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